LearningJune 10, 2024
Discover the evolution of women's pole vaulting as we explore the stories behind record-breaking athletes like Stacy Dragila, Svetlana Feofanova, and Yelena Isinbayeva, and meet the contenders poised to shatter today's records.
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The women's pole vault has evolved dramatically over the past few decades, with remarkable athletes continually pushing the boundaries of human potential. This article explores the stories of these extraordinary women, their achievements, and their current endeavors. We also examine the current world record and the athletes most likely to break it in the near future.

Stacy Dragila: Pioneering Heights

Record: 4.60 m (15 ft 1 in)

Date: 21 August 1999

Venue: Sevilla, Spain

Stacy Dragila, an American pole vaulter, was the first woman to bring significant attention to the sport. Born in Auburn, California, Dragila initially excelled in heptathlon before discovering her true passion for pole vaulting. Her breakthrough came in 1999 when she set a world record of 4.60 meters in Sevilla, Spain. Dragila's achievements didn't stop there; she continued to break her own records, setting indoor records and consistently pushing the bar higher.

Dragila's influence extended beyond her athletic feats. She played a crucial role in popularizing women's pole vaulting globally, inspiring countless young athletes to take up the sport. Her legacy is not just in the records she set but in the doors she opened for future generations.

Where is she now?

After retiring from competitive athletics, Stacy Dragila has dedicated herself to coaching and promoting the sport at the Stacy Dragila Vault Club. She runs pole vault clinics and continues to inspire the next generation of vaulters, ensuring her impact on the sport endures.

Svetlana Feofanova: The Russian Sensation

Record: 4.64 m (15 ft 2+1⁄2 in)

Date: 11 February 2001

Venue: Dortmund, Germany

Svetlana Feofanova emerged as a formidable competitor in the early 2000s. Born in Moscow, Russia, Feofanova's rise in the pole vaulting scene was meteoric. She broke records set by Dragila, raising the bar to 4.64 meters indoors in 2001. Her technical prowess and competitive spirit earned her numerous titles, including World Championships and Olympic medals.

Feofanova's career was marked by her exceptional technique and mental toughness. She consistently performed at the highest levels, often under immense pressure. Her contributions to the sport were not just in her records but in her ability to elevate the standard of competition.

Where is she now?

Svetlana Feofanova transitioned from athletics to a career in sports administration and coaching in Russia. She remains a prominent figure in the athletics community, contributing to the development of young athletes and ensuring the sport's continued growth.

Yelena Isinbayeva: The Queen of Pole Vault

Record: 5.06 m (16 ft 7 in)

Date: 28 August 2009

Venue: Zürich, Switzerland

Yelena Isinbayeva, often regarded as the greatest female pole vaulter of all time, shattered numerous records throughout her career. Born in Volgograd, Russia, Isinbayeva's progression in setting world records from 4.82 meters in 2003 to an astounding 5.06 meters in 2009 is a testament to her dominance in the sport. Her athleticism, combined with her charismatic personality, made her a global icon.

Isinbayeva's career was characterized by her relentless pursuit of excellence. She not only set records but also redefined what was possible in women's pole vaulting. Her influence extended beyond the track, as she became a role model for athletes worldwide.

Where is she now?

After retiring, https://www.instagram.com/isinbaevayelena/?hl=enYelena Isinbayeva has been involved in sports administration and is a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). She continues to be an influential voice in athletics and advocates for the development of sports in Russia.

Current World Record

As of today, Yelena Isinbayeva's record of 5.06 meters, set in 2009, still stands. This mark remains a significant challenge for current athletes, inspiring them to push their limits. The record is a testament to Isinbayeva's extraordinary talent and the high bar she set for future competitors.

Future Contenders: Who Will Break the Record?

Katie Nageotte Moon (USA)

Katie Moon is a leading contender, having won gold at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Her consistent performances and ability to clear high bars make her a strong candidate to set new records. Nageotte's dedication to her craft and her competitive spirit position her as a potential record-breaker.

Sandi Morris (USA)

Sandi Morris, known for her exceptional technique and competitive spirit, has already cleared heights close to the world record. With her experience and determination, she is a likely candidate to break the existing record. Morris's resilience and technical skills make her a formidable competitor.

Anzhelika Sidorova (Russia)

Anzhelika Sidorova has shown impressive progress in recent years, winning the 2019 World Championships. Her technical skills and mental toughness position her as a serious contender for the world record. Sidorova's ability to perform under pressure and her continuous improvement make her a strong candidate to surpass Isinbayeva's mark.


The progression of the women's pole vault world record is a story of relentless pursuit and extraordinary talent. From Stacy Dragila's pioneering efforts to Yelena Isinbayeva's dominance, each athlete has contributed to the sport's rich history. As we look to the future, athletes like Katie Moon, Sandi Morris, and Anzhelika Sidorova inspire us with the possibility of reaching even greater heights. The world eagerly awaits the next chapter in the evolution of the women's pole vault world record.

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